How to Find Employment with NDIS?

NDIS helps participants reach different goals throughout their journey with the program. Some participants aim to get a good job with the help of NDIS, and this is a huge step towards independence for them.

What is NDIS?

NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. It is a disability program designed by the Australian government to help people with any significant and permanent disability. Every NDIS participant has goals that they want to achieve, and the program provides them with funds and support to reach their goals. This program aims to help participants lead independent lives and provides a wide range of support services.

Disability service providers in Sydney can help the participants access all the NDIS support and make the most of their NDIS funds. Employment is one of the common goals that NDIS participants would like to achieve and their funding is able to help them get the job they desire.

What Support Does NDIS Provide for Employment?

NDIS provides sufficient funds for each participant to find the right job. The support for employment under NDIS can include the following.
  • Overcoming barriers to employment.
  • Counselling to get the right employment.
  • Assistance with the job interview.
  • Assistance in the workplace.
  • Assistance in writing the resume.

Workplace Assistance

Other than assisting with the interview, NDIS also funds support at the workplace. You can ask for your support worker’s assistance at work so that in case you need something, you can have help. Support workers are usually responsible for your personal tasks at work, like transport and eating meals. They can also assist you in managing the demands of the job.

This support is funded in your NDIS plan for as long as you need. Once you have settled in your workplace and don’t need the support worker there, you can stop taking this support. NDIS also aims to reduce the support participants need in their regular lives so you can take it out from your NDIS plan when you think you don’t need support.

How is Employment Funded?

Assistance with employment is funded under the budget category “Core Supports Budget” There are three different budget categories under NDIS, and each category is funded for different services.

Core Supports Budget” is created to help participants in everyday activities. Employment funds are provided in the name of “Finding & Keeping the Job,” as NDIS helps the participants both before and after they get the job.

There are also other ways that NDIS helps participants find a job. It provides assistance and funds for community participation and skills development. Both of these things can lead you to employment as you become more confident, skilled, and independent.

What if I Don’t Have a Degree?

There are quite a few participants that don’t have a specific degree but still want to find employment. For those participants, NDIS has special support called “School Leaver Employment Supports.” You can talk to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) when they are creating your NDIS plan and get this support in the plan. SLES is an annually funded support and provides you assistance depending on your needs.

Looking for Assistance?

If you already have job employment support in your NDIS plan, you need a professional support worker to provide you with all the help. EnableU are disability service providers in Sydney, and we have a dependable team of support workers to help you reach your desired goals. We aim to provide the participants with nothing but the best so they can quickly achieve their goals and lead independent lives.

Contact us and get started with your NDIS journey now!
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